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Grindhousehero13 last won the day on March 14 2017

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About Grindhousehero13

  • Birthday 11/30/1989

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    Whittier, CA

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  1. hey grindhouse im not being rude but you forgot your idea right here 


  2. Nothing like death drums lol. well we had a rumor back when saying they were booked somewhere else durning HHN season so it is possible that this is just trolling considering how much forums hated compared to the GP casual plus I don't think Mike would do that to you guys.
  3. I'm so sorry for you guys , that show sucked and had nothing to do with Halloween or horror. Even worse was the crowd it dragged in. I mean I'm 26 and have nothing against teenagers, far from a crotchety old man but when the theater it's in chooses to bump club music outside and you're trying to make to the next maze and there is a mob of teenagers and early twenties kids doing the nae nae and dancing off blocking traffic really ruins the experience
  4. If anyone can work me a new Sig and Avatar with this it be great
  5. While I love Freddy, Jason, and the in between I'm glad we in Hollywood are not doing them again YET, but if they play "How Can I Live" by ill Nino (the end credits song from the movie) in the queue I would be extremely jealous I loved the FVJ soundtrack when I was a kid.
  6. came out great actually thanks! I'll take it! Now I just need someone to make the Christmas Sam Avatar and I'm set!
  7. If you can work your Reaper magic on these for a new sig and a new avatar of Christmas Sam I would me deeply greatful!
  8. Okay vampire killers, let's kill some fucken vampires- Seth Gecko

  9. if someone does not mind I need a new sig for the season so if anybody can make one out of this I would be grateful
  10. http://micechat.com/46804-hong-kong-disneyland-halloween-update/ for you guys wondering about DLHK's event
  11. This may be the first year I dont go to an halloween party....I was really looking foward to dressing like Rick Grimes and looking at girls in sexy costumes without getting slaped by my girlfriend....life has hit me like a ton of bricks!

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